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Revive - Kuna Krites

Revive Kuna Krites Ciptarea Record

Artist: Revive
Title album: Kuna Krites

Type: EP
Label: Ciptarea Record, Audience Records, Hometown Crew

Release date: October 28th, 2016
Catalog ID: CR 07 - 07/2016
Format: CD
Version desc.:  CDr limited edition to 100 copies

Recorded at Audience Recording
Mixed and Mastered by Adam
At Audience Recording, Cipanas
Produced by Ciptarea Record
Executive Producer by Audience Record and Revive
All songs written by Revive
Artwork by Bubacika and Artfery
Design, Lay-out and redraw by Kimul Ciptarea

Revive line-ups:
Suge : vocals
Adam : drums
Paris : guitars
Yuda : bass

1. Undressed
2. Revealed
3. Obligation
4. Fasis
5. Batavia

Akhirnya ada juga band metal progressive yang muncul dari Cipanas ini. Soalnya selama ini di Cipanas kebanyakan band-band yang bergenre hardcore atau punk, ada sih grindcore atau metal tapi cuma sedikit banget. Yang metal en progressive mungkin baru cuma ini saja, Revive.
Jujur saja waktu pertama kali dengerin materinya saya tidak menyangka kalo mereka adalah 4 pemuda ganteng kalem yang notabene tinggal di Cipanas, hahaa... Anjing keren euy ieu band!
Segera saya menawarkan diri untuk merilis materi mereka. Dan gayung-pun bersambut karena mereka ternyata selama ini memang "mencari" saya yang senantiasa selalu nekad untuk merilis sebuah album band dari Cipanas. Hahahaa....
Lalu sett..settt...settt.... Jadilah maha karya mereka bisa dinikmati dalam wujud rilisan fisik. Berisi 5 lagu yang sarat akan progressivitas sana-sini, berbungkus distorsi gitar dan invasi drum yang cukup mendominasi serta screaming vocal yang masih bisa terdeteksi apalagi kalo sambil membaca liriknya. Output sound yang lumayan balance serta penggarapan cover artwork yang lumayan teliti menjadi bukti nyata kalo mereka memang tidak main-main untuk memproduksi EP ini. Top notch!

Revive - Kuna Krites

Eyes feel so fucking blind, but I see when you hide. In the end of the world, in the end of this earth.
I see a liar burn his head and he's dead, Undressed and dancing burn his head
This is blind. This is not our life cause this is blind. This is blind.
Last light escape thru my teeth and out my mouth, blind me out. My last light escape thru my teeth and of my mouth, blinding me!
Keep your faith! let it sin more deep, deeper and deeper, through your breath!
Through your breath! Bless your life, in the next round in another fight, bless your fucking life
Be the fucking light don't you be a loser, keep your face up high gain your power
I'm much better than your faith, cause I'm my own destination.
Keep our face up. This is blind. This is not our life cause this is blind. This is blind.
No body make a smile as well as devil does, burn your head down, less devotion. We're all at the same game,
just different level. We're all dealing with the same hell, just different devil. Keep your faith, let it sink more deep.
Deeper and deeper, through your breath!

Not devotion! This is the face of the failure, and its crawling me as fuck, that's not devotion!
Be brave! Let 'em see your teeth, feel the blind wind (feel the blind wind)
Slit and kill slowly, we come from the bottom
If you can't soar like an angel, don't act like god, if you wont smell like an animal (like an animal)
Down on your knees! We pray for all our sins, sacrifice and try to face
Celebrate and keeping our faith up high in the air
We're raising up higher, about to catch an eagle eye
We're going to be the beast and growing to be something greater, not to be suffer to be stronger
And now I have found the reason for what was started, to obliterate what make us weak
Dissapointed, it has been spoken but is this tasteless, sharpen your teeth, feel the blind wind.

Sangkar raksasa kesenian diputar melingkar di poros yang sama. Syair rendahan, nada sumbang menyebar luas.
Kultur kelas kapital, merangkul paksa.
Dengan panah emas, busur permata menjengkelkan, mulai dari gading gajah dan cakar harimau
Bangkai tetaplah bangkai! Tercium aromanya Tabur garam kepada luka, gusar, menggoyang kepala.
Tutup telinga rapat rapat. Logika sampah Peluru Tanya bersarang di kepala, mata biru lebam, perlahan memejam
Menyatu dengan semesta. Logika! logika sampah. Sangkar raksasa kesenian. Menyatu dengan semesta

This is our obligation, to obliterate what makes us weak
This is a dead match, and escape to the truth, this is something worth to fight, roll up your sleeves
Rebuild this to be a better one.
We couldn't see and feel, a life and world wide rotation, so choose your lie or real life
Than fix it all (fix it all)
Is this what you call home? Is this what you believe? Is this really world your searching for?
Can you find it?
We're not talking in our sleep, this should be your fight (this should be yours)
Some of us just embrace death
Rebuild this world, take a deep breath, this is not false solution
We have choose to give our life away and to sacrifice
The life that I've been given in the hope of something greater, of something bigger
This is what your fighting for!
We'd rather see and feel, sewing palms together than run from the open eyes and escape the prisoner
Maybe some for us embrace death but still breath,
I would give my arm and legs just to have my arm and legs back, raise up!
Set it free!

Cakrawala dianak tirikan, dibuat menjerit dibakar dibuat tempat menyedihkan. Gosong!
Bumi terampas paksa, terror kasat mata. Percikan ludah membusungkan dada. Mengikis daratan di beton di pertaruhkan.
Bumi habis telanjang, kedinginan, belangsak, Bangsat!
Bumi menggelap, berduka, akal tentative mutiara redup, dan energy temporer, omong kosong menggema, mengiang di telinga
Pencakar langit menjulang tinggi, bumi menyempit tak layak huni, panas menyengat!
Wujud kecil neraka, budak tetaplah budak, dihimpit berdesakan
Batavia dibungkam kecemasan, Dipaksa subur dengan jutaan keringat budak permata, lingkaran mutiara! Penggalan derita.

Revive Kuna Krites released by Ciptarea Record

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